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Garrido, Maria Rosa (2021, copyright year). Community, solidarity and multilingualism in a transnational social movement: A critical sociolinguistic ethnography of Emmaus. Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism. London: Routledge.
Runner-up of the BAAL Book Prize 2022
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Interview about my book on CaMP Anthropology (July 2024)

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (accepted, 2025). Introducció de l’anglès en el lleure infantil: Els discursos sobre la immersió i la capitalització lingüística entre les famílies catalanes. Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, 35.
- Garrido, Maria Rosa and Codó, Eva (2024. Localising international schools in multilingual Switzerland: From parental strategies to institutional dual-language programmes. Language, Culture and Curriculum. DOI: Download and Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa & del Valle, José (2023). Language and neutrality: Glottopolitical processes and consequences. Revista de Llengua i Dret, 80, 3-9. Open Access
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2023). Humanitarian neutrality and language at the International Committee of the Red Cross. Revista de Llengua i Dret, 80, 28-44. Open Access
- Garrido, Maria Rosa and Sokolovska, Zorana (2022). Regard historique sur les régimes multilingues de deux organisations internationales : le Conseil de l’Europe et le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge. In Rachele Haus, Cécile Robert, Stefano Vicari and Chloé Gaboriaux (Eds.), Le multilinguisme dans les organisations internationales, Special Issue of Mots. Les langages du politique, 128, 27-44. Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2022). The evolution of language ideological debates about English and French in a multilingual humanitarian organisation. Language Policy, 21, 47-73. Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2022). Multilingualism, nationality and flexibility: Mobile communicators’ careers in a humanitarian agency. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 41(2), 131-152. Download and Read PDF
- Heller, Monica and Garrido, Maria Rosa (2021). Espéranto +. Entry for Anthropen: Le dictionnaire francophone d’anthropologie ancré dans le contemporain. Download & Read PDF
- Hassemer, Jonas and Garrido, Maria Rosa (2020). Language as a resource with fluctuating values: Arabic speakers in humanitarian and social work. In Kamilla Kraft & Mi-Cha Flubacher (Eds.), The promise of language: Betwixt empowerment and the reproduction of inequality. Special Issue of International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 264, 131-161. Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2020). Language investment in the trajectories of mobile, multilingual humanitarian workers. In Maria Rosa Garrido & Maria Sabaté-Dalmau (Eds.), Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: Sociolinguistic approaches to emergent entrepreneurial selves. Special Issue of International Journal of Multilingualism, 17 (1), 62-79. Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa and Sabaté-Dalmau, Maria (2020). Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: Sociolinguistic approaches to emergent entrepreneurial selves. In Maria Rosa Garrido & Maria Sabaté-Dalmau (Eds.), Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: Sociolinguistic approaches to emergent entrepreneurial selves. Special Issue of International Journal of Multilingualism, 17 (1), 1-10.Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2019). Language socialisation and muda: The case of two transnational migrants in Emmaus Barcelona. In Rosina Márquez-Reiter, and Luisa Martín-Rojo Eds.), Linguistics of participation and exclusion. New speakers’ struggles for mobility in Europe. Special Issue of International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 257, 137-163.Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2018). Voluntary work, transnational mobility and language learning in a social movement. In Melissa G. Moyer (Ed.), Language, Mobility and Work. Special Issue of Language and Intercultural Communication, 18 (4), 451-463. Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2018). Circulation and localization of a transnational founding story in a social movement. In Adriana Patiño-Santos and Ana María Relaño-Pastor (Eds.), Storytelling in Globalized Spaces: A Linguistic Ethnographic Perspective. Special Issue of International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 250, 113-135. Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2017). Multilingualism and cosmopolitanism in the construction of a humanitarian elite. In Adam Jaworski and Crispin Thurlow (Eds.), Elite discourse: The rhetorics of status and privilege, Special Issue of Social Semiotics, 27 (3), 359-369. Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa R. & Codó, Eva (2017). Deskilling and delanguaging African migrants in Barcelona: Pathways of labour market incorporation and the value of “global” English. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15 (1), 29-49. Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2016). “The homeless charity that works”: A critical sociolinguistic analysis of charity discourses and English-only ideologies in Emmaus London. In Mi-Cha Flubacher, Catherine Diederich & Philipp Dankel (Eds.), New perspectives in empirical linguistics: Studies from young researchers in Switzerland. Special Issue of Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique Apliquée, 104, 9-26. Download & Read PDF
- Aliagas, Cristina; Garrido, Maria Rosa & Moore, Emilee (2016). Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces. In Emilee Moore, Maria Rosa Garrido & Cristina Aliagas (Eds.) Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces. Special Issue of Linguistics and Education, 36, 1-4.Download & Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa & Moore, Emilee (2016). “We can speak we do it our way”: Linguistic ideologies in Catalan adolescents’ language biography raps. In Emilee Moore, Maria Rosa Garrido & Cristina Aliagas (Eds.) Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces. Special Issue of Linguistics and Education, 36, 35-44. Download & Read PDF
- Codó, Eva & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2014). Shifting discourses of migrant incorporation at a time of crisis: Understanding the articulation of language and labour in the Catalan non-governmental sector. In Eva Codó and Miguel Pérez-Milans (Eds.) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces. Special Issue of International Journal of Multilingualism, 11 (4), 389-408. Download & Read PDF
- Codó, Eva & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2010). Ideologies and practices of multilingualism in bureaucratic and legal advice encounters. In Rosina Márquez-Reiter & Luisa Martin Rojo (Eds.) Sociolinguistic and pragmatic aspects of institutional discourse: Service encounters in multilingual and multicultural contexts, Special Issue of Sociolinguistic Studies, 4 (2), 297-332. Download and Read PDF
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2010). Tensions ideològiques sobre “la llengua d’acollida” en un projecte residencial per a migrants. Llengua, Societat i Comunicació, 8, 9-26.Download & Read PDF
Contributions to edited volumes (peer-reviewed)
- Pérez-Milans, Miguel & Garrido, Maria Rosa (forthcoming). The politics of future re-imagination: Sociolinguistic approaches. In Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà & Miguel Pérez-Milans (Eds.), Re-imagining Language and Communication in Collaborative Projects: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Future. London & New York: Routledge.
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (forthcoming). Appropriating “solidarity” in hopeful narratives of an alternative future in a social movement. In Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà & Miguel Pérez-Milans (Eds.), Re-imagining Language and Communication in Collaborative Projects: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Future. London & New York: Routledge.
- Garrido, Maria Rosa & Daveluy, Michelle (2024). Mobilities, (post-) nationalism and trajectories across linguistic borders. In Mi-Cha Flubacher & Alfonso Del Percio (Eds.), Critical sociolinguistics: Dialogues, dissonances and developments. London: Bloomsbury.
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2024). Linguistic inequality in the humanitarian sector: Unraveling English-centric multilingualism. In Silke Roth, Bandana Purkayastha and Tobias Denskus (Eds.), Handbook on Humanitarianism and inequality. Cheltenham and Camberley: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Heller, Monica & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2023). Les langues inventées et le bien commun. In Mertin Hébert, Francine Saillant & Bourdages Duclot, Sarah (Eds.), Savoirs, utopies et production des communs (pp.139-150). Editions des archives contemporaines, France. ISBN : 9782813004505. Open Access:
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2022). Multilingual Lausanne: Collaborative linguistic landscaping as a pedagogical and research tool in higher education. In Edina Krompàk & Vicenzo Todisco (Eds.), Sprache und Raum: Mehrsprachigkeit in der Bildungsforschung und in der Schule (pp.285-304). Bern: HEP Verlag. Download and Read here
- Aïcha & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2021). Aïcha. In B.A.S.S. Meier-Lorente-Muth-Duchêne (Eds.), Figures of interpretation (pp. 11-14). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2020, 21 January). Negotiating ethics: Between contractual forms and collaborative reflection. In Tales from the field / Chroniques du terrain (website), edited by Alexandre Duchêne, Patricia Lambert, Kevin Petit, Zorana Sokolovska and Maria Rosa Garrido.
Download and Read PDF - Sabaté Dalmau, Maria; Garrido Maria Rosa & Codó, Eva (2017). Language-mediated services for migrants: Monolingualist institutional regimes and translinguistic user practices. In Suresh Canagarajah (Ed.) The Routledge handbook of migration and language (pp. 558-576). London: Routledge.
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2017). Multilingualism and cosmopolitanism in the construction of a humanitarian elite. In C. Thurlow and A. Jaworski (Eds.), Elite discourse: the rhetorics of status, privilege and power. London: Routledge.
- Garrido, Maria Rosa & Oliva, Xavier (2015). A multilingual, collaborative and functional literacy approach to Catalan language learning in a voluntary settlement project. In James Simpson & Anne Whiteside (Eds.), Adult language education and migration: Challenging agendas in policy and practice (pp. 94-106). London: Routledge. Open Access book
Edited volumes
- Garrido, Maria Rosa & Pérez-Milans, Miguel (Eds.) (in press). Re-imagining Language and Communication in Collaborative Projects: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Future. London & New York: Routledge.
- Special Issue of Revista de Llengua i Dret / Journal of Language and Law, 80, 2023, 105 pages: “Llengua i neutralitat / Language and neutrality”. Co-edited with José del Valle.
- Special Issue of International Journal of Multilingualism, 17 (1), 2020, 106 pages. “Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: Sociolinguistic approaches to emergent entrepreneurial selves”. Co-edited with Maria Sabaté-Dalmau.
- Website Tales from the field / Chroniques du terrain, curated by Alexandre Duchêne, Patricia Lambert, Kevin Petit Cahill, Zorana Sokolovska and Maria Rosa Garrido.
@ - Special Issue of Linguistics and Education, 36, 2016, 68 pages. “Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces”. Co-edited with Emilee Moore and Cristina Aliagas.
Conference proceedings
- Alcade-Lebrun, Céline; Corona, Victor; Garrido, Maria Rosa; Petit Cahill, Kevin, Pelé-Peycelon, Marine And Sokolovska, Zorana (2018). (Introduction) Les pratiques langagières et textuelles dans l’ethnographie des institutions : Enjeux méthodologiques et conditions de production de connaissances sociolinguistiques. In Carmen Alén Garabato, Henri Boyer, Léonard Djordjevic Ksenija, & Bénédicte Pivot (Eds.), Identités, conflits et interventions sociolinguistiques. Lambert-Lucas.
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2013). La gestió del multilingüisme en els serveis d’acollida de les ONG: Un estudi de cas. In F. Xavier Vila and Eulàlia Salvat (Eds.) Noves immigracions i llengües (pp. 97-118). Barcelona: MRR.
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Book reviews
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2013). Un enfoque inclusivo y transnacional a las ideologías lingüísticas, Reseña de “Ideologías Lingüísticas”. Revista de Antropología Social, 22, 344-349.
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2012). Gendered identities and immigrant language learning, by Julia Menard-Warwick. Spanish in Context, 339-344.
MA and PhD theses
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2014). Emmaus as a transnational imagined community: Language, interdiscursivity and stratification in a social movement. Unpublished PhD Thesis: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
@ - Garrido, Maria Rosa (2010). ‘If you slept in Catalunya you know that here it’s a paradise’: Multilingual Practices and Ideologies in a Residential Project for Migrants. Unpublished MA thesis: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Popular science
- Garrido, Maria Rosa & Patiño-Santos, Adriana (2024). Back to the future: Intergenerational narratives of English language learning in contemporary Catalonia [blog entry]. URL:
- Interview (2024, July). Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà on her new book Community, Solidarity, and Multlingualism. Interview by Maryam Amiri. @CaMP Anthropology
- Interview (2021, 24 May). Elisabeth Barakos on her book Language Policy in Business. Interview by Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà. @CaMP Anthropology
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2018, 13 July). Introduction. In Multilingual Lausanne: A Linguistic Landscape project.
@ - Moore, Emilee & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2017). El rap en la didàctica del plurilingüisme. Perspectiva Escolar, 391, 44-48.
Download & Read PDF - Garrido, Maria Rosa (2015, 13 March). The Emmaus movement: A common mission in different languages/ El movement Emmaús: Una missió comuna en diferents llengües. Càtedra UNESCO per a la diversitat lingüística i cultural.
Teaching materials
- Garrido, Maria Rosa (2010). A non-profit residential project for homeless migrants in a Catalan town. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. [Module for MA programme] Download and Read
Working papers
- Alimia, Sanaa; Antonios, Lara; Debian, Riham; El-Nabli, Nadine; Garrido Sardà, Maria Rosa; Hawker, Nancy; Kherbiche, Leïla; Parolin, Gianluca; Seghaier, Roula; Tesseur, Wine and Wang, Jie (2020). Reflections on, and practical suggestions for, gendered language in Arabic for human rights & humanitarian texts. The Governance Programme of the Aga Khan University – Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations. Download and Read