

Garrido, Maria Rosa (2021, copyright year). Community, solidarity and multilingualism in a transnational social movement: A critical sociolinguistic ethnography of Emmaus. Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism. London: Routledge.

Runner-up of the BAAL Book Prize 2022
@ NOW OUT in Paperback

Interview about my book on CaMP Anthropology (July 2024)

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

  1. Garrido, Maria Rosa (accepted, 2025). Introducció de l’anglès en el lleure infantil: Els discursos sobre la immersió i la capitalització lingüística entre les famílies catalanes. Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, 35.
  2. Garrido, Maria Rosa and Codó, Eva (2024. Localising international schools in multilingual Switzerland: From parental strategies to institutional dual-language programmes. Language, Culture and Curriculum. DOI: Download and Read PDF
  3. Garrido, Maria Rosa & del Valle, José (2023). Language and neutrality: Glottopolitical processes and consequences. Revista de Llengua i Dret, 80, 3-9. Open Access
  4. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2023). Humanitarian neutrality and language at the International Committee of the Red Cross. Revista de Llengua i Dret, 80, 28-44. Open Access
  5. Garrido, Maria Rosa and Sokolovska, Zorana (2022). Regard historique sur les régimes multilingues de deux organisations internationales : le Conseil de l’Europe et le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge. In Rachele Haus, Cécile Robert, Stefano Vicari and Chloé Gaboriaux (Eds.), Le multilinguisme dans les organisations internationales, Special Issue of Mots. Les langages du politique, 128, 27-44. Download & Read PDF
  6. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2022). The evolution of language ideological debates about English and French in a multilingual humanitarian organisation. Language Policy, 21, 47-73. Download & Read PDF
  7. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2022). Multilingualism, nationality and flexibility: Mobile communicators’ careers in a humanitarian agency. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 41(2), 131-152. Download and Read PDF
  8. Heller, Monica and Garrido, Maria Rosa (2021). Espéranto +. Entry for Anthropen: Le dictionnaire francophone d’anthropologie ancré dans le contemporain. Download & Read PDF
  9. Hassemer, Jonas and Garrido, Maria Rosa (2020). Language as a resource with fluctuating values: Arabic speakers in humanitarian and social work. In Kamilla Kraft & Mi-Cha Flubacher (Eds.), The promise of language: Betwixt empowerment and the reproduction of inequality. Special Issue of International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 264, 131-161. Download & Read PDF
  10. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2020). Language investment in the trajectories of mobile, multilingual humanitarian workers. In Maria Rosa Garrido & Maria Sabaté-Dalmau (Eds.), Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: Sociolinguistic approaches to emergent entrepreneurial selves. Special Issue of International Journal of Multilingualism, 17 (1), 62-79. Download & Read PDF
  11. Garrido, Maria Rosa and Sabaté-Dalmau, Maria (2020). Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: Sociolinguistic approaches to emergent entrepreneurial selves. In Maria Rosa Garrido & Maria Sabaté-Dalmau (Eds.), Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: Sociolinguistic approaches to emergent entrepreneurial selves. Special Issue of International Journal of Multilingualism, 17 (1), 1-10.Download & Read PDF
  12. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2019). Language socialisation and muda: The case of two transnational migrants in Emmaus Barcelona. In Rosina Márquez-Reiter, and Luisa Martín-Rojo Eds.), Linguistics of participation and exclusion. New speakers’ struggles for mobility in Europe. Special Issue of International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 257, 137-163.Download & Read PDF
  13. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2018). Voluntary work, transnational mobility and language learning in a social movement. In Melissa G. Moyer (Ed.), Language, Mobility and Work. Special Issue of Language and Intercultural Communication, 18 (4), 451-463. Download & Read PDF
  14. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2018). Circulation and localization of a transnational founding story in a social movement. In Adriana Patiño-Santos and Ana María Relaño-Pastor (Eds.), Storytelling in Globalized Spaces: A Linguistic Ethnographic Perspective. Special Issue of International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 250, 113-135. Download & Read PDF
  15. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2017). Multilingualism and cosmopolitanism in the construction of a humanitarian elite. In Adam Jaworski and Crispin Thurlow (Eds.), Elite discourse: The rhetorics of status and privilege, Special Issue of Social Semiotics, 27 (3), 359-369. Download & Read PDF
  16. Garrido, Maria Rosa R. & Codó, Eva (2017). Deskilling and delanguaging African migrants in Barcelona: Pathways of labour market incorporation and the value of “global” English. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15 (1), 29-49. Download & Read PDF
  17. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2016). “The homeless charity that works”: A critical sociolinguistic analysis of charity discourses and English-only ideologies in Emmaus London. In Mi-Cha Flubacher, Catherine Diederich & Philipp Dankel (Eds.), New perspectives in empirical linguistics: Studies from young researchers in Switzerland. Special Issue of Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique Apliquée, 104, 9-26. Download & Read PDF
  18. Aliagas, Cristina; Garrido, Maria Rosa & Moore, Emilee (2016). Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces. In Emilee Moore, Maria Rosa Garrido & Cristina Aliagas (Eds.) Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces. Special Issue of Linguistics and Education, 36, 1-4.Download & Read PDF
  19. Garrido, Maria Rosa & Moore, Emilee (2016). “We can speak we do it our way”: Linguistic ideologies in Catalan adolescents’ language biography raps. In Emilee Moore, Maria Rosa Garrido & Cristina Aliagas (Eds.) Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces. Special Issue of Linguistics and Education, 36, 35-44. Download & Read PDF
  20. Codó, Eva & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2014). Shifting discourses of migrant incorporation at a time of crisis: Understanding the articulation of language and labour in the Catalan non-governmental sector. In Eva Codó and Miguel Pérez-Milans (Eds.) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces. Special Issue of International Journal of Multilingualism, 11 (4), 389-408. Download & Read PDF
  21. Codó, Eva & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2010). Ideologies and practices of multilingualism in bureaucratic and legal advice encounters. In Rosina Márquez-Reiter & Luisa Martin Rojo (Eds.) Sociolinguistic and pragmatic aspects of institutional discourse: Service encounters in multilingual and multicultural contexts, Special Issue of Sociolinguistic Studies, 4 (2), 297-332. Download and Read PDF
  22. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2010). Tensions ideològiques sobre “la llengua d’acollida” en un projecte residencial per a migrants. Llengua, Societat i Comunicació, 8, 9-26.Download & Read PDF

Contributions to edited volumes (peer-reviewed)

  1. Pérez-Milans, Miguel & Garrido, Maria Rosa (forthcoming). The politics of future re-imagination: Sociolinguistic approaches. In Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà & Miguel Pérez-Milans (Eds.), Re-imagining Language and Communication in Collaborative Projects: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Future. London & New York: Routledge.
  2. Garrido, Maria Rosa (forthcoming). Appropriating “solidarity” in hopeful narratives of an alternative future in a social movement. In Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà & Miguel Pérez-Milans (Eds.), Re-imagining Language and Communication in Collaborative Projects: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Future. London & New York: Routledge.
  3. Garrido, Maria Rosa & Daveluy, Michelle (2024). Mobilities, (post-) nationalism and trajectories across linguistic borders. In Mi-Cha Flubacher & Alfonso Del Percio (Eds.), Critical sociolinguistics: Dialogues, dissonances and developments. London: Bloomsbury.
  4. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2024). Linguistic inequality in the humanitarian sector: Unraveling English-centric multilingualism. In Silke Roth, Bandana Purkayastha and Tobias Denskus (Eds.), Handbook on Humanitarianism and inequality. Cheltenham and Camberley: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
  5. Heller, Monica & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2023). Les langues inventées et le bien commun. In Mertin Hébert, Francine Saillant & Bourdages Duclot, Sarah (Eds.), Savoirs, utopies et production des communs (pp.139-150). Editions des archives contemporaines, France. ISBN : 9782813004505. Open Access:
  6. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2022). Multilingual Lausanne: Collaborative linguistic landscaping as a pedagogical and research tool in higher education. In Edina Krompàk & Vicenzo Todisco (Eds.), Sprache und Raum: Mehrsprachigkeit in der Bildungsforschung und in der Schule (pp.285-304). Bern: HEP Verlag. Download and Read here
  7. Aïcha & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2021). Aïcha. In B.A.S.S. Meier-Lorente-Muth-Duchêne (Eds.), Figures of interpretation (pp. 11-14). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
  8. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2020, 21 January). Negotiating ethics: Between contractual forms and collaborative reflection. In Tales from the field / Chroniques du terrain (website), edited by Alexandre Duchêne, Patricia Lambert, Kevin Petit, Zorana Sokolovska and Maria Rosa Garrido.
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  9. Sabaté Dalmau, Maria; Garrido Maria Rosa & Codó, Eva (2017). Language-mediated services for migrants: Monolingualist institutional regimes and translinguistic user practices. In Suresh Canagarajah (Ed.) The Routledge handbook of migration and language (pp. 558-576). London: Routledge.
  10. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2017). Multilingualism and cosmopolitanism in the construction of a humanitarian elite. In C. Thurlow and A. Jaworski (Eds.), Elite discourse: the rhetorics of status, privilege and power. London: Routledge.
  11. Garrido, Maria Rosa & Oliva, Xavier (2015). A multilingual, collaborative and functional literacy approach to Catalan language learning in a voluntary settlement project. In James Simpson & Anne Whiteside (Eds.), Adult language education and migration: Challenging agendas in policy and practice (pp. 94-106). London: Routledge. Open Access book

Edited volumes

  1. Garrido, Maria Rosa & Pérez-Milans, Miguel (Eds.) (in press). Re-imagining Language and Communication in Collaborative Projects: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Future. London & New York: Routledge.
  2. Special Issue of Revista de Llengua i Dret / Journal of Language and Law, 80, 2023, 105 pages: “Llengua i neutralitat / Language and neutrality”. Co-edited with José del Valle.
  3. Special Issue of International Journal of Multilingualism, 17 (1), 2020, 106 pages. “Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: Sociolinguistic approaches to emergent entrepreneurial selves”. Co-edited with Maria Sabaté-Dalmau.
  4. Website Tales from the field / Chroniques du terrain, curated by Alexandre Duchêne, Patricia Lambert, Kevin Petit Cahill, Zorana Sokolovska and Maria Rosa Garrido.
  5. Special Issue of Linguistics and Education, 36, 2016, 68 pages. “Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces”. Co-edited with Emilee Moore and Cristina Aliagas.

Conference proceedings

  1. Alcade-Lebrun, Céline; Corona, Victor; Garrido, Maria Rosa; Petit Cahill, Kevin, Pelé-Peycelon, Marine And Sokolovska, Zorana (2018). (Introduction) Les pratiques langagières et textuelles dans l’ethnographie des institutions : Enjeux méthodologiques et conditions de production de connaissances sociolinguistiques. In Carmen Alén Garabato, Henri Boyer, Léonard Djordjevic Ksenija, & Bénédicte Pivot (Eds.), Identités, conflits et interventions sociolinguistiques. Lambert-Lucas.
  2. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2013). La gestió del multilingüisme en els serveis d’acollida de les ONG: Un estudi de cas. In F. Xavier Vila and Eulàlia Salvat (Eds.) Noves immigracions i llengües (pp. 97-118). Barcelona: MRR.
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Book reviews

  1. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2013). Un enfoque inclusivo y transnacional a las ideologías lingüísticas, Reseña de “Ideologías Lingüísticas”. Revista de Antropología Social, 22, 344-349.
  2. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2012). Gendered identities and immigrant language learning, by Julia Menard-Warwick. Spanish in Context, 339-344.

MA and PhD theses

  1. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2014). Emmaus as a transnational imagined community: Language, interdiscursivity and stratification in a social movement. Unpublished PhD Thesis: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  2. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2010). ‘If you slept in Catalunya you know that here it’s a paradise’: Multilingual Practices and Ideologies in a Residential Project for Migrants. Unpublished MA thesis: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  1. Garrido, Maria Rosa & Patiño-Santos, Adriana (2024). Back to the future: Intergenerational narratives of English language learning in contemporary Catalonia [blog entry]. URL:
  2. Interview (2024, July). Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà on her new book Community, Solidarity, and Multlingualism. Interview by Maryam Amiri. @CaMP Anthropology
  3. Interview (2021, 24 May). Elisabeth Barakos on her book Language Policy in Business. Interview by Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà. @CaMP Anthropology
  4. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2018, 13 July). Introduction. In Multilingual Lausanne: A Linguistic Landscape project.
  5. Moore, Emilee & Garrido, Maria Rosa (2017). El rap en la didàctica del plurilingüisme. Perspectiva Escolar, 391, 44-48.
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  6. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2015, 13 March). The Emmaus movement: A common mission in different languages/ El movement Emmaús: Una missió comuna en diferents llengües. Càtedra UNESCO per a la diversitat lingüística i cultural.

Teaching materials

  1. Garrido, Maria Rosa (2010). A non-profit residential project for homeless migrants in a Catalan town. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. [Module for MA programme] Download and Read

Working papers

  1. Alimia, Sanaa; Antonios, Lara; Debian, Riham; El-Nabli, Nadine; Garrido Sardà, Maria Rosa; Hawker, Nancy; Kherbiche, Leïla; Parolin, Gianluca; Seghaier, Roula; Tesseur, Wine and Wang, Jie (2020). Reflections on, and practical suggestions for, gendered language in Arabic for human rights & humanitarian texts. The Governance Programme of the Aga Khan University – Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations. Download and Read