

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Etnografia sociolingüística crítica

Sociolingüística: metodologia, paradigmes i interdisciplinarietat

Place: Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona

Date: 20/09/2024

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: English-Centric Multilingualism for Humanitarian Work: Tensions between Roots and Routes in an International Organisation in Geneva

17th European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) Conference

Place: Lausanne

Date: 26/08/2024

Title: Roots and Routes: The evolution of language requirements for ICRC delegates

Symposium of the Study Group on Language and the United Nations: Language Rights for Peace,Justice and Strong Institutions.

Place: online

Date: 11/06/2024

Title: Linguistic landscape as a pedagogical resource for critical multilingual awareness in higher education

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

LinguisTisch, Sociolinguistics Lab, Universität Duisburg-Essen.

Place: online

Date: 06/07/2022

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Multilingualism, access and participation in a social movement against injustice

Language and Social Justice seminar series, Center for the Study of Language and Society, University of Bern

Place: Bern (Switzerland)

Date: 20/10/2021

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Language and neutrality in humanitarian diplomacy: Perception and negotiation

Talk of the semestre, organised by SCOPE (Students’ Committee Obsessively Passionate about English), University of Lausanne

Place: online

Date: 28/06/2021

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Humanitarian neutrality and language at the International Committee of the Red Cross

International workshop: Revisiting linguistic neutrality: The politics of discourse in times of global crisis

Place: online

Date: 03/06/2021

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: The affordances of multi-sited ethnography: Language socialisation and methodological reflexivity in a transnational social movement

Invited presentation for Debating Ethnography research group, University of Southampton

Place: online

Date: 12/05/2021

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Multilingual Lausanne: Collaborative linguistic landscaping as a pedagogical and research tool

Internationale Tagung “Sprache und Raum”- Mehrsprachigkeit in der Bildungs-forschung und in der Schule, organised by Pädagogische Hochschule Schaffhausen

Place: online

Date: 27/03/2021

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: “Anglais ou français?” Ideological constructions of English and French in an international humanitarian agency

Open lecture at the Sociolinguistics Lunch at the Graduate Center, CUNY

Place: New York City

Date: 14/02/2020

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Language, nationality and security: Arabic speakers’ trajectories in a humanitarian agency

Opening lecture at the “Interdisciplinary approaches to the politics of language” workshop organised by the Grupo de Glotopolítica, Graduate Center, CUNY

Place: New York City

Date: 28/02/2020

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Fluctuating values of Arabic among mobile, multilingual communicators at a humanitarian agency

Open lecture at the Wiener Sprachgesellschaft, University of Vienna

Place: Vienna (Austria)

Date: 09/10/2018

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Language and intersectionality: Arab female communicators in a humanitarian agency

Invited presentation at the 2nd Language and Work Workshop, University College London

Place: London (UK)

Date: 22/04/2018

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: “Humanitarians on the move”: Multilingual professional identities at the International Committee of the Red Cross

Open lecture at the Section d’anglais, Université de Lausanne

Place: Lausanne (Vaud, Switzerland)

Date: 22/03/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Multilingual identities at the intersection of mobile careers and institutional transformations at the International Committee of the Red Cross

Open lecture at the Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Place: Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)

Date: 14/02/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Espéranto et Croix-Rouge: Internationalisme, neutralité et paix

Open lecture for members at the Annual Assembly of the Swiss Esperanto Association

Place: Fribourg (Switzerland)

Date: 21/01/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Humanitarians on the move: A historicising perspective on sociolinguistic trajectories of delegates at the International Committee of the Red Cross

Participation: Oral presentation

Event: International workshop on exploring trajectories: Transition and Transformations

Place: Luxembourg

Date: 18/10/2016

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: La gestió del plurilingüisme i els discursos sobre la diversitat en organitzacions internacionals / The management of multilingualism and discourses of diversity in international organisations

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Seminario Asamblea EDiSo Interacción y Sociedad

Place: València (Spain)

Date: 14/06/2016

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Multilingualism and the construction of privilege among expat humanitarian workers

Participation: Oral presentation

Event: Elite Discourse Roundtable

Place: Schloss Hünigen, Bern (Switzerland)

Date: 06/04/2016

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Volunteers “sans frontières”: An exploration of transnational mobility and language learning in Emmaus

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Processes and Practices below the Gaze of the Nation-State: (Im)Mobilities, Multilingualism and Transnationalism” Seminar

Place: Bellaterra (Catalonia, Spain)

Date: 22/10/2015

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: New Speakers and Migration in Social Activism: Development of Legitimate Identities through Catalan at Emmaus Barcelona

Event: COST Seminar – New Speakerness: Epistemics, positioning and struggles for legitimacy in interaction

Place: Surrey (UK)

Date: 03/09/2015

Author: Moore, Emilee & Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: ‘We can speak we do it our way’: An experience of hip hop as critical pedagogy

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Iniciativa Catalana de Sociolingüística, Simposi 5

Place: Bellaterra (Catalonia, Spain)

Date: 13/06/2014

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: L’articulació discursiva del moviment transnacional Emmaús des d’una perspectiva etnogràfica

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: II Simposi Català de Sociolingüística

Place: Lleida (Catalonia, Spain)

Date: 05/04/2013

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Emmaus as a transnational imagined community: Interdiscursivity, affective labour and social diversity in an international NGO.

Event: Postgrads without Borders Seminar

Place: Southampton (UK)

Date: 17/05/2012

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: African Migrant Trajectories and Agency in Civil Society Organisations in a Catalan Town

Event: MERGE Research Group seminar

Place: Greensboro (USA)

Date: 14/01/2011

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: La gestió del multilingüisme en els serveis d’acollida de les ONG: un estudi de cas

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: Divuitè Col·loqui Lingüístic de la Universitat de Barcelona (CLUB18)

Place: Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)

Date: 22/11/2010

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Transnational Migration and Institutional Multilingualism in an International Religiously-Inspired NGO

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: II Jornada d’estudis anglesos de post-grau a Catalunya

Place: Bellaterra (Catalonia, Spain)

Date: 11/06/2010


Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Perspective sociolinguistique historique sur les débats langagiers idéologiques dans deux organisations internationales au début du XXème siècle

Event: 6e Congrès du Réseau Francophone de Sociolinguistique

Place: Louvain-la-Neuve

Date: 29/05/2024

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Parent-run playgroups for early English acquisition: A critical sociolinguistic analysis of parents’ and children’s language ideologies

Event: VALS-ASLA Conference

Place: Bern

Date: 13/02/2024

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Children’s affective stances towards English in a family-run playgroup

Event: Exploring new directions in Family Language Policy: Contexts, methods and perspectives

Place: Ciudad Real

Date: 18/01/2024

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: English as language investment in family language policy: An ethnographic exploration of children’s positioning, values and emotions in upwardly-mobile Catalan families

Event: 60th AILA World Congress

Place: Lyon

Date: 18/07/2023

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa & Codó, Eva

Title: Language, curriculum and family mobility in a diversifying private eduscape

Event: Bilingualism and bilingual education: Sociolinguistic approaches conference

Place: Madrid

Date: 11/11/2022

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Lingua franca battle: Clashing language ideologies and (inter)nationalism in the early Red Cross movement

Event: Sociolinguistics Symposium 24

Place: Ghent/online

Date: 13/07/2022

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Language and neutrality at the International Committee of the Red Cross: Challenging the imagined humanitarian figure

Event: Language and neutrality: Glottopolitical processes and consequences

Place: Lausanne (Switzerland)

Date: 20/05/2022

Authors: Heller, Monica and Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Les langues inventées et le bien commun

Event: Colloque Anthropen: Savoirs, utopies et production du commun

Place: Ottawa (Canada) / online

Date: 08/04/2022

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title:  Esperanto in the early 20th century Red Cross movement: International communication and humanitarian neutrality

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Les pratiques transnationales émancipatrices. Expériences du long XXe siècle au prisme du  paradigme espéranto

Place: Berlin (Germany)

Date: 07/09/2021

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title:  Solidarity as a keyword in a social movement: Navigating contradictions in commoning practices and narratives of alternative futures

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Sociolinguistics Symposium 23

Place: online

Date: June 2021 (Conference postponed due to Covid-19 pandemic)

Author: Maria Rosa Garrido

Title: Language policy in an international humanitarian organisation: Tensions in the construction and regulation of multilingualism

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: 11e Journées de linguistique Suisse / 11th Swiss linguistics day

Place: online

Date: 06/11/2020

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Appropriating Solidarity in Narratives of Alternative Futures: Navigating Contradictions in a Social Movement

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Society for Linguistic Anthropology conference

Place: Boulder (USA)

Date: 05/04/2020

(Paper accepted and withdrawn due to Covid-19 pandemic)

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: The feminisation of humanitarian communication: Gender, mobility and multilingualism in a major international agency

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Arabic for Gender: Practical views on gendered language in human rights and policy contexts

Place: London (UK)

Date: 13/12/2019

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: ‘Multilingual Lausanne’: Collaborative linguistic landscaping as a pedagogical and research tool

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: IV EDiSo Symposium

Place: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Date: 06/06/2019

Author: Luisa Martín-Rojo, Paloma Elvira Ruiz, (coords.) Susana Martínez-Guillem, Manuel Alcántara-Plá, Marta Castillo, Leo García, Diego Herranz, Clara Gil, Maria Rosa Garrido.

Title: Ediso antes los desafíos discursivos de nuestro tiempo: herramientas para neutralizar el fascismo universal

Participation: Collective plenary address

Conference: IV EDiSo Symposium

Place: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Date: 05/06/2019

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Negotiating ethics: Between contractual forms and collaborative reflection

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Séminaire Ethnographie Sociolinguistique

Place: Lyon (France)

Date: 18/01/2019

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: “International Geneva” and multilingualism:  Changing values of French and English at the International Committee of the Red Cross

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: City Talk: Urban Identities, Mobilities and Textualities 

Place: Bern (Switzerland)

Date: 11/12/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Big Society and the Compassionate Volunteer: Neoliberal discourses of skilling and affect for activating the London homeless

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: 116th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting

Place: Washington D.C. (USA)

Date: 29/11/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Competing linguae francae in the “internationalisation” of personnel in a humanitarian agency

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: 18th AILA World Congress

Place: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Date: 28/07/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Defining multilingual humanitarians: Internationalisation and languages at the International Committee of the Red Cross

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: III Simposi Internacional EDiSo

Place: Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)

Date: 28/06/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Multilingualism, stratification and precariousness: Managing Arabic speakers’ careers in a humanitarian agency

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: International Symposium on Bilingualism 11

Place: Limerick (Ireland)

Date: 14/06/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Pathways and constraints on the mobility of Arabic-speaking communicators in a humanitarian agency

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: CASCA/IUAES Conference

Place: Ottawa (Canada)

Date: 04/05/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Historicising multilingual professional identities at the International Committee of the Red Cross

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: SIEF 13th Congress

Place: Göttingen (Germany)

Date: 27/03/2017

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Life, work and language trajectories of (former) humanitarian workers at the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Sociolinguistics Symposium 21

Place: Murcia (Spain)

Date: 15/06/2016

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Historicising new speakers of French for humanitarian work: Internationalisation, mobility and multilingualism at the International Committee of the Red Cross

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: COST New Speakers, Second Whole Action Conference

Place: Hamburg (Germany)

Date: 12/05/2016

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Privatising language education for undocumented migrants: Elite multilingualism and voluntary labour in a Catalan migrant-support NGO

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: IUAES Inter-Congress 2016

Place: Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Date: 05/05/2016

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Differentiation in diversity: Emic categorisations and boundary construction through language and activism in an Emmaus community

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: VALS-ASLA

Place: Geneva (Switzerland)

Date: 21/01/2016

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Transnational articulation through situated practices: Localised retellings and embodiments of the Emmaus movement’s founding story

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: IPrA

Place: Antwerp (Belgium)

Date: 28/07/2015

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa & Moore, Emilee

Title: “In our hood we listen Arabic and French”: Language biography raps for the empowerment of plurilingualism

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: The Sociolinguistics of Globalization

Place: Hong Kong (SAR)

Date: 04/06/2015

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: On the construction and indexation of class in a transnational social movement

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Sociolinguistics Symposium 20

Place: Jyväskylä (Finland)

Date: 16/06/2014

Author: Moore, Emilee & Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: ‘We can speak we do it our way’. An experience of hip hop as critical pedagogy

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: 3rd LINEE International Conference: Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Space and Time

Place: Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Date: 28/04/2014

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: A transnational ethnography of the Emmaus founding story: Construction of sameness and difference through local narrative appropriations

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: 32nd international conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA)

Place: Sevilla (Spain)

Date: 05/04/2014

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa & Oliva, Xavier

Title: Collaborative development of functional Catalan materials for low educated, multilingual migrants.

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Low Educated Second Language and Literacy Acquisition for Adults Symposia

Place: San Francisco (USA)

Date: 09/08/2013

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Think Globally, Speak Locally: Local Discursive Appropriations of the Emmaus Transnational Imaginary

Participation: Oral presentation

Conference: Language and Super-diversity: Explorations and interrogations

Place: Jyväskylä (Finland)

Date: 05/06/2013

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Transnational Circulation and Local Appropriations of the Emmaus Founding Narrative

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: International Seminar on Mobilities, Language Practices and Identities.

Place: Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)

Date: 11/01/2013

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: NGOs as transnational communities: Interdiscursive chains and institutional narratives in an Emmaus chapter in Barcelona

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: Sociolinguistics Symposium 19

Place: Berlin (Germany)

Date: 21/08/2012

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: The governmentality of transnational users through multilingualism at an NGO

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: 2nd LINEE Conference

Place: Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Date: 04/05/2012

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Localizing English: New Tensions and Emerging Communicative Spaces for Global Englishes at a Migrant-support NGO in Barcelona

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: Annual AEDEAN Conference

Place: Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)

Date: 16/11/2011

Author: Codó, Eva & Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Mystifying language and labour in social incorporation processes: The regulation of language and migration by civil society organisations

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: 8th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB8)

Place: Oslo (Norway)

Date: 15/06/2011

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Linguistic Ideologies, Agency and Social Inclusion: The Articulation between a Local Migrant-Support NGO and African Transnational Networks in a Catalan Town

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: Sociolinguistics Symposium 18

Place: Southampton (UK)

Date: 01/09/2010

Author: Codó, Eva & Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Migrants and global language resources: A study of bureaucratic and legal advice encounters

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: 11th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA)

Place: Melbourne (Australia)

Date: 12/07/2009

Author: Codó, Eva & Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Transnational African migrants’ construction of postcolonial identities

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: 7th International Symposium on Bilingualism

Place: Utrecht (Netherlands)

Date: 08/07/2009

Author: Codó, Eva & Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: El inglés como lengua franca en la comunicación de servicio: prácticas e ideologías en dos contextos institucionales

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: 8 Congreso de Lingüística General

Place: Madrid (Spain)

Date: 25/06/2008

Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa & Moyer, Melissa

Title: Ideologies and Practices of Multilingualism in an Immigrant Support Organisation: Making Micro-Macro Connections

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: Sociolinguistics Symposium 17

Place: Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Date: 03/04/2008

Author: Codó, Eva; Dooly, Melinda; Garrido, Maria Rosa; Moyer, Melissa; & Ruiz, Dolores

Title: Constructions of multilingualism and multimodality in institutional sites

Participation: Oral Presentation

Conference: 6th International Symposium on Bilingualism

Place: Hamburg (Germany)

Date: 30/05/2007


Author: Garrido, Maria Rosa

Title: Language and Ideological Clashes in the Regimentation of Migrants by NGOs in Catalonia

Participation: Poster

Conference: AILA 4th International Seminar on Language and Migration

Place: Fribourg (Switzerland)

Date: 28/01/2010


Panel co-organised with Miguel Pérez-Milans at V EDiSo Symposium, online

Date: 29/09/2021

Title: The politics of future re-imagination: Sociolinguistics approaches (4 contributions)

Panel co-organised with Miguel Pérez-Milans at Sociolinguistics Symposium 23, University of Hong Kong (SAR) / online

Date: June 2021(Conference cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic)

Title: The politics of future re-imagination: Towards a sociolinguistics of utopias/dystopias (8 contributions)

Panel co-organised with Miguel Pérez-Milans at Society of Linguistic Anthropology Conference, Boulder (USA)

Date: 03/04/2020

Title: Language and the Politics of Future Re-imagination (7 contributions)

(Panel accepted ad withdrawn due to Covid-19 pandemic)

Panel co-organised with Miguel Pérez-Milans at the IV EDiSo Symposium, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Date: 06/06/2019

Title: Personal trajectories, silence and the global workplace (4 contributions)

Panel co-organised with Anne-Christel Zeiter at the III EDiSo Symposium, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain)

Date: 30/06/2017

Title: Daily linguistic issues for asylum seekers in Western and Southern Europe in the period 2015-2016 (4 contributions)

Panel co-organised with Kevin Petit at the Congrès 2017 du Réseau Francophone de Sociolinguistique, Université Paul Valery Montpellier 3 (France)

Date: 15/06/2017

Title: Les pratiques langagières au centre des enjeux méthodologiques dans l’ethnographie des institutions (4 contributions)

Panel at the 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)

Date: 28/07/2017

Title: Challenging discourses of internationality and international language(s): Ethnographic and historiographic approaches to institutions in transformation (2 contributions owing to cancellations)

Panel co-organised with Maria Sabaté i Dalmau at Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Universidad de Murcia (Spain)

Date: 15/06/2016

Title: Local, nation-state and international linguistic regimes at the crossroads: Transnational trajectories of language world workers in globalised labour spaces (5 contributions)

Twin panels co-organised with Emilee Moore and Cristina Aliagas at the Sociolinguistics of Globalization Conference, University of Hong Kong (SAR)

Date: 04/06/2015

  • Panel 1: Hip-hop as a site of pedagogy: Implications of hip-hop culture for local pedagogies (6 contributions)
  • Panel 2: Hip-hop pedagogies: Educational experiences to develop language, literature and critical skills among young people (6 contributions)


Author: Maria Rosa Garrido

Title: Appropriating ‘solidarity’ in hope narratives in a social movement

Participation: Oral presentation

Webinar: Language and the politics of future re-imagination

Convenors: Maria Rosa Garrido (University of Lausanne) and Miguel Pérez-Milans (University College London) 

Date: 13th November 2020

Author: Maria Rosa Garrido

Title: Esperanto and Red Cross: Internationality and neutrality in early 20th century Geneva 

Participation: Oral presentation

Webinar:Con/Lang, Art/Lang, Alt/Lang: Making truth, taking responsibility on the terrain of language in moments of crisis

Convenors: Monica Heller (University of Toronto) and David Karlander (University of Hong Kong)

Date: 3rd November 2020